Sweet vernal grass

Anthoxanthum odoratum
It is the first grass to flower in spring and has visible white hairs at the base of the leaves. This is a useful ID feature.
Soil moisture tolerances
It is found on 10-20 weeks dry soil per year and less than 10 weeks wet soil per year. It is very intolerant of waterlogged conditions.
Soil fertility tolerances
It is typically found on moderately fertile sites (10-25 mg P/kg) or P index 1-2.
Traditional medicinal use
Sweet vernal grass contains coumarin; giving the smell of new hay when crushed. Chewing this grass gives a spicy sensation at the back of the throat.
Further information

Click here for a link to the online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora with details of the plant ecology, distribution, photos and habitats: https://www.brc.ac.uk/plantatlas/plant/anthoxanthum-odoratum