PhD students

Species rich meadow

The Floodplain Meadows Partnership and the Open University are currently supporting a number of PhD students. These students are all working on different aspects of floodplain meadows.


Current PhD studies

James Latham: Managing flood risk through working with nature. A CASE studentship with the Environment Agency and The National Trust.

Vicky Bowskill: Sustainable management of floodplain meadows for enhanced productivity

Vicky has been making some short videos about her research. See this one on sampling hay:  

Vicky has also started a brilliant blog about her studies 'Tales from the quadrat'. Watch and read it here

Vicky's poster has been awarded first prize in the  People's Choice category and Imagery Winner in the Judge's Choice category in the Postgraduate Research Poster Competition held by the Graduate School of The Open University on 23rd June 2021. You can view her poster here


Recently completed studies

Laura George: Plant community assembly on a soil with fluctuating hydrology

Eleanor Sargent: The non-chemical control of marsh ragwort, 2011. Click here for a link to download this thesis from EThOS.

Jim McGinlay 2013: Policy and practise in the assessment and management of floodplain meadows in England. Click here to download this thesis from EThOS.

Sonia Newman, 2013: Control of invasive sedges floodplain meadowsClick here to download the thesis from EThOS.

Katherine Wotherspoon 2015: The effect of phosphorus addition and cutting date on the nutrient dynamics and species composition of floodplain meadowsClick here to download the thesis from EThOS.