
© Caroline O'Rourke


We work with a range of partners, organisations and individuals to run and support different projects. Find out more about current projects below.

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Transcript required   Floodplain meadows are grasslands that provide much-needed space for flood water to spread out. Their benefits are numerous and in addition to…
Image of a meadow field
  Between 2015 and 2018, through support from the John Ellerman Foundation the FMP undertook the Floodplain Meadows Restoration Project. This project aimed to gain a greater…
Image of sanguissorba in a meadow
© Mike Dodd
The Severn and Avon Vales in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire once comprised a biodiverse mosaic of floodplain meadows, marshes and small wetlands – but over 88% of those have…
Image of researchers in a field
The FMP have been working with NatureScot and others to investigate the classification and extent of wet meadow plant communities in Scotland, in particular around the coasts.…
Image of a historic map
We are interested in assessing the historical extent of floodplain meadows and have worked with a range of individuals over the years who are researching their local meadows in…
Image of a poem by Jeff Coles
© Jeff Coles
We are exploring a range of art projects currently. Our recent and existing projects are: Beauty and Utility at Avon Meadows Art and craft competition and calendar Community art…
Image of sanguisorba
Scaling up restoration for delivery of nature based solutions  13th, 14th and 15th October 2021 Video recordings from the conference can be accessed using the links below.…